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Treadmill - Frequently Asked Questions


1. What are the best treadmill Brands in Kuwait?


NordicTrack, Echelon and Proform are some of the best treadmill brands that you should explore to make your best pick. Most of the models from these brands offer wide tracks with cushioning effects for superior knee protection, steeper inclines for effective workout, Smarter Design for quiet and smooth operations etc. To make your workout more engaging and interesting, treadmills from these brands offer integration with Interactive Fitness Apps. Such an add-on takes your overall running experience to the next level.


There are several other brands like Reebok, Bowflex, Sole Fitness etc in the market that offers stunning models of treadmills for home and commercial use. So, explore the top collection from these brands, go through the features and pick the one that best suits your budget, purpose and space. You can always take advices from our fitness experts before finalizing the deal.


2. Is using a treadmill as effective as running outdoors?


If you compare running on treadmill with running outdoors, the latter would win the debate. Treadmill does a lot of work for you by propelling you forward. Therefore, running outside requires more effort and energy and hence, it would burn more calories. However, when you have a treadmill at home, you tend to be more regular at workouts because you do not have to worry about the weather condition outside. More consistent you are, better would be the results.


Moreover, Nowadays, treadmills come with interactive apps to make your workout more interesting and engaging. You get to explore different places on your screen while you are running. You get to Join fitness classes conducted by fitness experts around the world. You can workout with a global fitness community


3.What is the best treadmill price in Kuwait?


Treadmill Price in Kuwait Starts from KWD 148 and it goes up to KWD 4,500. Nowadays, treadmills are more than just normal running machines. They are bundled with numerous features to make your workout sessions interesting. Like every other product, treadmill price varies depending upon the features included. So, before you set out to buy a treadmill, make sure that you know what features you should look for. compact design, size of the running area, top speed, max incline, user weight capacity, interactive Apps etc are few of the features that you should consider while buying a treadmill. You could always get in touch with our experts to find a treadmill that fits your purpose and budget.



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